Glyphosate noodles: with these spaghetti

Spaghetti with tomato sauce is the eternal, popular classic that has gotten pretty much every1. However, if you look at the results of the test of eco-test more precisely, you can turn around the stomach.

20 Brands of conventional and organic cultivation has tested the consumer magazine in the laboratory and found: 12 of the 15 conventional brands contain traces of weed-resistant glyphosate. For this, however, all organic noodles receive the top grade very good. You can read the detailed test at eco-test.

The best spaghetti

So it is almost impossible to do something wrong with the grip in the grip. Glyphosate-free here are all spaghetti, but also mineral oils or molds could not be found in the laboratory.

Checco Especially recommended are the following products:

  • Natural Spaghetti No.3 (to EDEMA)
  • Broaden Spaghetti (to Amazon)
  • Degree Spaghetti (to Greenish)
  • DM Bio Spaghetti (to DM)
  • Rapunzel Spaghetti Samoa No.5 (to Amazon)

But not only the organic products could get very good valuations. The D'Anaelle Spaghetti of Aldi Nord, the brand product DE CE CCO Spaghetti N° 12 (to Amazon) and the Raise Schlemmerblieble could convince in the test.
