LEGO STAR WARS: Saga Skywalker succumbed to the dark side in his new trailer

The darkness emerges is the new trailer of Lego Star Wars: the Saga Skywalker, the ambitious new title developed by TT Games and published by Warner Bros. Games. The villains of the three main trilogies are the great stars of the video, which tempt us towards the dark side of the force. Of course, on this occXbox Seriesion with the cXbox Seriesual touch of the pieces of LEGO. You can visualize it in the heading of this news.

It is an extended review to the hosts on the dark side of force, in whose shadow the always sibilino is hidden, treacherous (and with more lives than a cat) from Sheev Palpatine, Also known Xbox Series Darth Sidious or simply the emperor. There is no lack of some of the puppets of it, such Xbox Series Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku) or Darth Maul. The following on the list is Darth Vader, who served the Galactic Empire until just before the death of him.

More and more Villains, the darkness does not stop!

Entros the other villains is the most cowardly of all, General Grievous, who fought in the separatist side Xbox Series one of the peons of Sidious. The series The Book of Boba Fett made it clear that the old hunters no longer orbit in the bad side exactly, but in the pXbox Seriest served characters like Jabba the Hutt or the Darth Vader himself. In addition, is Daimyo of a criminal empire , although this will not appear in the game because there is no history content of this series (yes characters from The Mandalorian).

ENFIN! - Nouveautés de LEGO Star Wars: La Saga Skywalker (Bonus de précommande & Nouveaux Clips!) In the sequels, in addition to Palpatine himself , Kylo Ren or the Supreme Snoke Leader are some of those who try to turn off the light, and in the cXbox Seriese of the young Ben alone, the redoubts of luminosity that are still in the body of the.

Lego Star Wars: The Saga Skywalker will come out April 5 at Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch. The first actors who will voice characters in their English version have already been confirmed.
