WoW Patch 9.2.5: Neue Enigma
When the WoW developers at Blizzard for WoW Patch 9.2.5 announced a new arena, the joy at PvP fans was great. In particular, the possibility of moving the columns within the so-called enigma arena with pressure on a switch at the center of the arena caused a sensation. But the team has now painted again.
Problems with gameplay mechanics mean the end of the mechanics
In an official Bluepost, the developers justified their decision against the movable pillars as follows:
"What we originally mentioned, we wanted to publish the Enigma-Arena with a unique mechanics, a central switch that allowed players to manipulate the positioning of the pillars during a match. But when implementing [this mechanics] we have some problems found with the finding and the lines of vision that players and some of their class abilities were occasionally impaired.
However, in order to offer the best possible gaming experience and avoid potential frustration moments, we have decided to continue with the version, which is currently available on the PTR from Patch 9.2.5 and which has a single pillar configuration, which during a match Time stays the same. We are currently planning not to continue the original version [with the movable columns]. "
This means that the gameplay apparently could not be implemented satisfactorily with the movable columns, so that the developers have decided against this feature. We consider this decision to be understandable, but we still want to hear your opinion: What do you think about it? Are you disappointed that you now have to do without this unique mechanics in the arena? Or do you find the current PTR version better anyway? Write us your opinion in the comments!
Source | Wowhead
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